Busy week and weekend. Very busy with work, busy with Kevin, busy laughing (it's that tickle spot, dadgummit), and awaiting little Emma's arrival. :)
Too many malasadas (warm doughy, cinnamon covered dollops of heaven, my favorite being the almost-as-good-as-sex haupia filled numbers from Leonard's Bakery) make a woman pretty tubby, so among other activities, I took a hike out to the Makapu'u cliffs on the lighthouse trail, where I like to walk. Of course, I don't bring the camera every time, but I'm learning I should.
I started my walk before sunset. The sky was strewn with high clouds and I could see the misty rain clinging to the Pali in the distance, so there were only a sprinkling of intrepid humans and canines out for a constitutional. The wind up there was quite strong, but warm and invigorating. As I reached the top, I looked down over the lighthouse, and caught my breath. The water was so beautiful, not just pretty blue as it normally is, but something about the light gave it a depth of color that was intense. It was cobalt blue, just the color of that deep blue glass that I've always loved. Deep deep cobalt, with the whitecaps and the lighthouse with its bright red top...lovely.
So I was happy tripping back down the path when I turned a crook and gasped a little. There was the almost full moon, large and bright white against the sky over the water. One of those reach-out-and-touch-me moons...lovely.
So my heart was full and content as I moseyed on down the path between the rocky hills, when I turned another corner on the other side, and took in a true gasp, loud enough to stop a man and his hound behind me. The sun was setting over the whole valley from the Ka'Iwi shoreline on one side, up and over the rich green Pali shrouded in the deepest glowing pinks and purples and oranges, all the way over to the turquoise waters of the Windward shore. Every hue of every color of the rainbow was painted clear across that sky. Nowhere have I seen such depth and softness of color all at once. It was breathtaking...literally. I turned to the man and his dog, and he smiled and said, "Didn't bring mine either, happens to me all the time." Then he winked and turned back as he walked on. He tapped the side of his head and yelled over the wind, "Take it in and store it up here".
So I did. :)