Phew! Busy, busy, busy.
We had the Kaimuki Christmas Parade on Thursday night. Friday night we drove up to a little coffee house in Wahiawa to hear slack-key master Ledward Kaapana (I cannot overstate how amazing that evening was!).
And last night there was sunset dinner at Don Ho's on the water, followed by the huge Honolulu City Lights Electrical Parade downtown. Afterwards, a mosey around and through Honolulu Hale to see the gigantic lighted Santa and Mrs Claus fountain and all the decorated Christmas trees inside the hall. Each Honolulu City and County department decorates a tree and/or gingerbread house. It's a big competition and they put them all in the big hall there. The whole thing - parade, lights, trees, fountains, Clauses, giant Snow People - was incredibly impressive, reminded me of Disneyland for a minute there.
And today we're snorkeling and then baking cookies for friends. And then we're leaving on a jet plane in a couple days. It's a freakin' whirlwind, I tell ya!
I have photos of a lot of this, but haven't had time to download them...funny that...heh.
Will post some soon, I promise!
Happy Holidays Everybody!!!!!!!!
Aloha pumehana...