Sunday, March 16, 2008

Letting In Lots of Light

Checking my email with a rerun of the recent Rock n Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremonies in the background, my attention was drawn to the tribute to Leonard Cohen. Specifically, Lou Reed quoted a stanza from Cohen's iconic 'Anthem' and the words struck my heart, as they always do. Goes like this:

"Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in."

So here I am in paradise, ringing those bells for all they're worth.
And thoroughly enjoying the light here. It's so beautiful, strong and clear enough to infuse even the rain with wide towering arches of color; golden and glowing at sunset; a velvet sea of muted pinks and lavenders, soft beige and grey and deep midnight violets in an evening storm on the beach at North Shore.

Luckily, I'm quite cracked. No problem letting the light in. It's keeping it from rushing right out the other side that's the issue. Nivver mind. Still have all the pieces....laughter's great epoxy, 'cause it's clear, not opaque...

[still with me? least Alan P. should appreciate the extended metaphor.]

Anywho, it's funny to me how you can hear lyrics you've loved for years, and suddenly they mean a bit more. Cohen is so incredibly wise. Embrace your flaws and fractures, people! Ring those bells and let in the light!

Aloha pumehana...


zack said...

Nice blog. I like Lou Reed.

Unknown said...

Hey, Laura, thanks for the link! Hallelujah for Leonard Cohen (and Lou Reed too, come to think of it). I'll be watching you (no, wait, that was the Police)...

Kelley said...

It's always nice to hear from you. We miss you tons. Wish we were there!!

GeologyRocks said...

Velvet seas are fine but you don’t want to surf one, especially if it’s crushed velvet. It’s much safer to hang 10 on a couch.