Update 5/16 - The Star-Bulletin has an article this morning on the pups. Here's a photo of the mama/pup I'll be observing:

This is exciting!
There are two new Hawaiian Monk Seal pups on O'ahu!
These creatures are an endangered species indigenous to these islands, and there are only about 1200 left. They are literally on the brink of extinction. So the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service PIFSC is doing what it can to study and facilitate the recovery of this species, as part of its Marine Mammal Research Program. That link above, by the way, has an incredibly cute photo.
In any case, for reasons I'll not go into here, they depend on a network of local volunteers - "seal watchers" - to watch over the seals when they beach themselves to rest, and most importantly, to watch over moms and their new pups, which are precious. Pup survival is essential to the recovery of the species, and the low rate of pup survival is a large part of their decline. So a new pup means 24/7 observation duty and research.
The scientists and volunteers have coordinated a schedule to watch over the two new pups with their moms, which are in separate locations, and I've signed up for four hours a week of observation and data collection for one mama/baby pair for 5-7 weeks.
Here's a photo of the same mama (each seal has an identifier) with a pup from a previous year:
There are two new Hawaiian Monk Seal pups on O'ahu!
These creatures are an endangered species indigenous to these islands, and there are only about 1200 left. They are literally on the brink of extinction. So the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service PIFSC is doing what it can to study and facilitate the recovery of this species, as part of its Marine Mammal Research Program. That link above, by the way, has an incredibly cute photo.
In any case, for reasons I'll not go into here, they depend on a network of local volunteers - "seal watchers" - to watch over the seals when they beach themselves to rest, and most importantly, to watch over moms and their new pups, which are precious. Pup survival is essential to the recovery of the species, and the low rate of pup survival is a large part of their decline. So a new pup means 24/7 observation duty and research.
The scientists and volunteers have coordinated a schedule to watch over the two new pups with their moms, which are in separate locations, and I've signed up for four hours a week of observation and data collection for one mama/baby pair for 5-7 weeks.
Here's a photo of the same mama (each seal has an identifier) with a pup from a previous year:

I've spotted two monk seals on O'ahu beaches and participated in the April Semiannual Seal Count, scouring the beaches searching for seals, but I've never done an observation stint before, particularly with a pup, so I'm very excited to be able to help.
Please think positive thoughts for the survival of these pups.
Aloha pumehana...
The extra mommy weight is much more forgiving on a Monk Seal than on me!! Can I actually be jelous of a momma Monk Seal? I need therapy!
Oh stop it! You're beautiful!
Poor mama monk seal looks exhausted, huh?
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