Here it is, July 5th...phew!
Happy Birthday, Jim!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's Kev boogie boarding in Kailua yesterday for Fourth of July.
Hope you all had a happy and enjoyable Independence Day!!!
Ever since living in The Netherlands for a year as a teenager, July Fourth has always made me reflect and feel incredibly grateful for all the freedoms and bounty we enjoy here in the US and particularly for the sacrifices made by so many over many generations to secure them. To this day, WWII is still fresh and extremely powerful in the zeitgeist of The Netherlands in a way that it just isn't for most of my generation growing up in the US. It struck my soul, and does to this day.
So for all who have sacrificed over the generations for our freedoms, thank you!
On a more personal note, for several reasons this has been absolutely one of the most stressful weeks of my life. Stress and little sleep did not make me a pleasant personality. I need to thank my friends for putting up with me, particularly Fred and Sandy for not only listening patiently and without judgment to my frustrated ranting and whinging, but offering understanding support and making me laugh to boot. You guys all make me happy I'm still alive, and hopeful that I can return your friendship in times to come.
One benefit of no sleep...peaceful sunrise near Kahuku July 2nd...

Maluhia 'oe
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