One vet I know has cemented my perspective on veterans forever. His life was radically changed, not only by his service during the conflict in Vietnam, but even more so by the way he was treated when he came home. If he had been shown the gratitude and honor he deserved for his service instead of outright hostility, disdain and derision, who knows what he might have done with his life, what he might have become. He would've had a chance at happiness. As it is, he never did. A wonderful brave creative sensitive dear soul was crushed beyond redemption. And his is a tragedy repeated thousand-fold across the country.
When someone enlists in the military (or is drafted), they agree to put their lives on the line. Whether they see combat or not, they are willing to fight, and possibly die for the rest of us. While they're in, they are subject to the will of history and fate in a very visceral way; they literally make themselves pawns for the greater good....our greater good. Their service becomes our responsibility.
Please thank a veteran today.
Aloha pumehana...
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