Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Same Idea

Fellow shutter bugs at Sunset Beach last night...


Kelley said...

Gorgeous photo!!! wish I could have seen it in person but your photo is breathtaking.

Laura said...

Thanks Kelley!
We went up for the expected 35 ft waves that didn't materialize on schedule, but it was worth the drive to see that sunset. We're still expecting the huge tide and a wind storm, beaches are closed all over the islands, schools are all closed tomorrow in anticipation of 60 mph winds.

Unknown said...

Heh - I always find myself wanting to take shots of the shooters myself; this is a wonderful example. Smiles...

Unknown said...

Whoa! Great shot, there, Gorgeous! You have no idea how inviting that beach looks from where I'm sitting.

Laura said...

Tanky Alan! I did manage to get some pics with no people - I may use these in later posts-, but I liked this one. I like how they're each looking off in opposite directions, one at the sea and one back toward the shore.

And thanks, Big B. :) Storm never materialized here. I know it's warm in Cali, but Alan P. and Bucko, hope you and yer famblies are staying warm and safe.