[Update 2/7/09 - We were eating lunch at Big City Diner today, and there was an historic photo of a little astronomical observatory right over Kevin's head. I recognized the location as the very spot this post is about. There was an explanation with the photo that said this little observatory was built on top of this hill with community funds in 1909, in anticipation of Halley's comet in 1910. I found some more info on it HERE. Pretty cool!
A little more research reveals the ti ovens were used by the menehune to distill ti mash into an 80 proof liquor called okolehao. Intewesting....]
There's a legend behind the name Kaimuki. The name of our neighborhood means hot ti ovens, Ka Imu Ki and refers to the great ovens used by the menehune, or Hawaiian mystical little people. So we live on the slopes of Menehune Hill, which, for anyone who knows me and my history with gnomes, fairies, leprechauns, etc., is kinda cool. :)
About three blocks away from us is a little park set up on top of this hill, which is fairly steep and high. For that reason, it's where the old electric lighted Kaimuki Christmas tree sits, since when it's lighted up, you can see it from everywhere. The little park is quite hidden up there, so often empty, but affords some lovely 360 views, particularly at sunset, and it's on one of my walking routes. Here are some photos I took last night. Not a spectacular sunset, but pretty, and hopefully you might get a feel of how it looks up there.
The photo above is looking toward downtown Honolulu with the sunset over the water.
This is a view of Kahala with Koko Head in the distance:

The Firehouse tower, and the Wilhelmina Rise:

Toward Waikiki:

Again toward Waikiki with Diamond Head outlined to the left:

So many pretty spots here just a wee walk away. I love where we live!
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