Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dooley Dooley Doo

Dooley the Lovebird always reminded me of this cartoon from the New Yorker:

Dooley sat in a cage on my neighbor's lanai. The little Hawaiian doves who make the loveliest sound, a sound that is indelibly intertwined with my experience on this island, nestled on the edge of the lanai rail and chatted with Dooley every day; they kept him company. He also had conversations with the dog across the street, and with me.

Every day, I'd wander over and chat with Dooley for a few minutes. I'd kiss-kiss him and he'd try to imitate the sound. I'd sing "Dooley Dooley Doo", and he'd perk up and preen, look me in the eye, and squawk softly in response. A beautiful little guy; soft green with bright blue and cantaloupe colored feathers.

Dooley died a few days ago. My neighbor cried. I cried. The doves still come and land on the lanai rail; they look for him, they cry softly for a bit, and fly off. Such a wee small creature. Who knew how much his presence would be missed?

So here's to Dooley the Lovebird, who was loved.

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