Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Life's Little Absurdities #242

Okay, a friend invited me to join Facebook yesterday. So I did, and lo and behold, so have a bunch of people I know. FB does something scary. It searches your email address book, and at the touch of a button, contacts everyone you know that it knows....freaky. I'm still not sure who all it contacted on my behalf.

It's fun, but I'm not sure it'll stick for me, since between email and blog and everyday life, I'm kinda busy. Also have tried MySpace, and that didn't stick, either.

What can I say, I'm fickle. :)

In any case, FB is kinda fun. You can send little eggs that hatch into all sorts of things, seedlings that grow into flowers over time, kisses (somebody kiss me back, dadgummit, the program still has me set to "Prude"...hah). You can write on your friends' "walls", post photos, etc.

But the thing that struck me as totally absurd was in the profile section. There's a little line that says, "Interested In..." with a dropdown box of choices. Of the choices, Men and Women struck me funny, so I chose Men.

I'm interested in Men today, plural. Yesterday I was interested in natural history and anthropology. Today I'm interested in Men. Ya know, half the human population, I'm interested in ALL OF 'EM!

Crazy, just nutso....and kinda perverse, init it?

Oops...silly me...there I go thinking too much again. :)

Aloha pumehana...

1 comment:

Kelley said...

You always make me laugh!! Did my egg hatch yet? lol :~))